Duct Services
The Neighborhood guy waving.

Duct Services in St. Cloud & Central MN

At Neighborhood, we specialize in duct design, installation, service and repair. With our many years in the industry, we understand the importance of properly installed, cleaned and sealed ductwork. If your home isn’t equipped with a quality duct system, it could cause an array of problems including sub-par HVAC system performance, poor indoor air quality and potential health issues for you and your family.

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New Duct Installation

If your HVAC system consistently performs below design quality and efficiency, we highly recommend bringing in our trained and certified duct installation technicians. When done right, new ductwork designs should ensure the high performance and efficiency of your home’s HVAC system.

Our team will install new ductwork or replace your existing ductwork with minimal disruption to your home. At Neighborhood, we want you to feel as comfortable with the process as possible, knowing that the end results will ensure money is saved and that you will have ultimate comfort and luxury living in your home.

Already have ductwork installed? We can still help! Our team can seal, repair, or replace your existing ductwork to make sure it performs at optimal efficiency.

Signs of Leaking Ducts

If your air ducts are leaking, not only are you losing money, but your home may be fostering mold, dust, or other toxic chemicals. If you notice any of these signs, we suggest contacting us immediately:

  • Increased Utility Bills: Utility costs will greatly increase if your ducts are leaking. There will be a noticeable spike in cost that demands your attention. Energy waste is bad for the environment as well as your wallet.
  • Poor Air Quality: Any reduction in air quality should be immediately addressed by a professional HVAC contractor. Breathable indoor air is not something anyone should mess around with, so if you are concerned, definitely give us a call right away. Poor air quality may mean an increase in or excessive amounts of dust in the air. It could also mean sudden and strange odors—your air duct may be pulling in air from outdoors or circulating potentially hazardous chemicals.
  • Poor Air Circulation: If the air in your home seems to be stale or not moving around, there may be an air duct leak.
  • Disproportionate Temperatures: Temperatures should be uniform throughout your home or business. Should you notice that one room is significantly hotter or colder than another, you should definitely have your ductwork checked.

Duct Sealing Services

When it comes to ductwork, our experts will help you accomplish the following:

  • Save big on utility bills.
  • Maintain a safe and breathable environment.
  • Seal leaking air ducts.
  • Replace and custom design when necessary.
  • Save energy.