Comparing Heating System Types: Which Is Best for Your Winter Needs?

Woman resting feet on radiator with a hot mug on the table next to her.

Choosing the right heating system for your home is one of the most important decisions you’ll make for winter comfort. After all, Minnesota winters can be quite brutal. So, having a reliable and efficient source of coziness at your disposal is non-negotiable. But, with all the different makes and models out there it can be […]

Best Practices For Keeping Warm Air Inside

Frost gathered on home window

Keeping your home cozy shouldn’t feel like an endless battle against the elements. Simple strategies can help retain heat without skyrocketing energy bills. From sealing up your windows and doors to refining your daily habits, Neighborhood Plumbing, Heating, Cooling and Electrical is here to lay out the top methods for safeguarding your home against cold […]

Why the Size of a Furnace Unit Matters

Neighborhood HVAC tech installing furnace.

Looking to replace your home’s furnace? Before you make the big purchase, it’s important to make sure you’re getting the right size unit for your space. This is an often overlooked detail for many homeowners, but it can make a significant difference in terms of heat output and energy efficiency. However, without expert training and […]

Gas vs. Electric Furnaces: Everything You Need to Know


Heating systems are an essential part of any home, particularly in areas like ours, where the cooler climate brings out harsh winters. When it comes to choosing a heating system, the debate between gas and electric furnaces is a hot topic. Let’s unravel the complexities of both gas and electric furnaces, helping you make an […]

Boiler vs. Furnace: Which Is Better for Your Home?

A woman on the phone while looking at a boiler in a home.

When it comes to home heating, the debate between a boiler and a furnace is a common one. Both systems have their unique advantages and can significantly impact your comfort and energy bills. However, it can be difficult to make a decision — especially since there are so many different types of heating systems to […]

5 Reasons Your Furnace Keeps Turning Off and On

A woman adjusting a thermostat in a home.

It can happen at any time of day or night. You hear your heating system kick on — and then a few minutes later, the entire unit shuts off without completing a heating cycle. This frustrating and panic-inducing problem is referred to as “short cycling.” Unfortunately, there can be many reasons your furnace keeps turning […]

Steps for Winterizing Your Home

Taking the additional steps to prepare your house for the winter is important for anyone living in Minnesota. Staying proactive is a great way to help prevent any potential problems around your home while also saving you a lot of stress and money. In fact, following a simple checklist is an effective way to avoid […]

Spring Heating and Cooling Tips in Minnesota

Spring has finally sprung, and it’s the one time of year that you’re likely to use both your heating and cooling system. With this in mind, we offer several tips for keeping your utility bill manageable, your home or office comfortable, and your heating and cooling system in tiptop shape. Finally, spring is a good […]

3 Things You Should Know When Buying a New Furnace

It’s been a tough winter, and if your heater isn’t performing well, you’re likely highly motivated to take care of the problem. If, after consulting with a heating professional in Sauk Rapids, Minnesota, you determine that it’s time for a new furnace, you have a big decision to make. Your home or office’s heating system […]

Your Furnace: Do You Need to Repair It or Replace It?

The weather is cold, and you need your heating system to keep up. If yours is giving you problems, this is no time to ignore the issue. You’re probably wondering whether your system requires repairs or needs to be replaced. Fortunately, there are guidelines that can help. Whatever the issue, however, if you’re having a […]